

...His majesty had passed a portion of the morning in looking over, with madame and the ladies of the court, various goods of Lyons manufacture, of which he had made his sister-in-law a present...   His majesty had passed a portion of the morning in looking      over, with madame and the ladies of the court, various goods of Lyons      manufacture, of which he had made his sister-in-law a presentの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」

... Then they remembered tales which Andre Lemoine had told, the fate of Lyons, razed to the ground, of Toulon burnt to ashes, and they did not dare rebel...         Then they remembered tales which Andre Lemoine had told, the fate of      Lyons, razed to the ground, of Toulon burnt to ashes, and they did not      dare rebelの読み方
Baroness Emmuska Orczy 「The Elusive Pimpernel」

...Tower had just bought a tract of land, three miles this side of the village of Lyons, on the Canandaigua outlet...   Tower had just bought a tract of land, three miles this side of the      village of Lyons, on the Canandaigua outletの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

...In the Lyons district (1598) 'les Sorciers rendent conte à Satan de cequ'ils ont fait dés la derniere assemblée, estans ceux là les mieux venusqui ont commis le plus de meschancetez...   In the Lyons district (1598) les Sorciers rendent conte à Satan de cequils ont fait dés la derniere assemblée, estans ceux là les mieux venusqui ont commis le plus de meschancetezの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...It continued amongthe witches, and in 1598 in the Lyons district 'il y a encor des Demons,qui assistent à ces danses en forme de boucs, ou de moutons...   It continued amongthe witches, and in 1598 in the Lyons district il y a encor des Demons,qui assistent à ces danses en forme de boucs, ou de moutonsの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...de Nore, Coutumes, Mythes et Traditions des Provinces deFrance (Paris and Lyons, 1846), p...   de Nore, Coutumes, Mythes et Traditions des Provinces deFrance (Paris and Lyons, 1846), pの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「Balder The Beautiful, Vol. I.」

...He died on his return from France, where hehad attended a council at Lyons...   He died on his return from France, where hehad attended a council at Lyonsの読み方
J. E. Bygate 「Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham」

...It governs theabdomen, and reigns over Turkey both in Europe and Asia, Greece, andMesopotamia, Crete, Jerusalem, Paris, Lyons, etc...   It governs theabdomen, and reigns over Turkey both in Europe and Asia, Greece, andMesopotamia, Crete, Jerusalem, Paris, Lyons, etcの読み方
Richard A. Proctor 「Myths and Marvels of Astronomy」

...), Lyons (318m...   ), Lyons (318mの読み方
George Chambers 「The Story of Eclipses」

...Fougerolles and printed in Lyons thatsame year...   Fougerolles and printed in Lyons thatsame yearの読み方
Dorothy Stimson 「The gradual acceptance of the Copernican theory of the universe」

...Our story was then made public, and Barker and Lesly, turning Queen's evidence against Russen, he was convicted of the murder of Lyons, and executed...   Our story was then      made public, and Barker and Lesly, turning Queens evidence against      Russen, he was convicted of the murder of Lyons, and executedの読み方
Marcus Clarke 「For the Term of His Natural Life」



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