

...Among those taken were Harry Lucas, his wife, Lucinda, and seven children; Mrs...   Among those taken were      Harry Lucas, his wife, Lucinda, and seven children; Mrsの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

...—Baja California (Nelson, 1909:255): type locality;Cape San Lucas...   —Baja California (Nelson, 1909:255): type locality;Cape San Lucasの読み方
E. Raymond Hall 「A Synopsis of the North American Lagomorpha」

...Saint Lucas Woodpecker (D...   Saint Lucas Woodpecker (Dの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...Saint Lucas Pyrrhuloxia (P...   Saint Lucas Pyrrhuloxia (Pの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...JohnXantus, at Cape San Lucas, Lower California...   JohnXantus, at Cape San Lucas, Lower Californiaの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...thermophila Lucas, of houses inBrest, France; and lastly two allied forms, one from Key West, andanother from Polvon, Western Nicaragua, collected by Mr...   thermophila Lucas, of houses inBrest, France; and lastly two allied forms, one from Key West, andanother from Polvon, Western Nicaragua, collected by Mrの読み方
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」

...: Cerro San Felipe, UIMNH 28163; PlumaHidalgo, AMNH 13447; San Lucas Camotlán, USNM 123689; San Vincente,UIMNH 51346 (Smith and Williams, 1963:23)...   : Cerro San Felipe, UIMNH 28163; PlumaHidalgo, AMNH 13447; San Lucas Camotlán, USNM 123689; San Vincente,UIMNH 51346 (Smith and Williams, 1963:23)の読み方
William E. Duellman 「A Review of the Frogs of the Hyla bistincta Group」

...—Cape San Lucas,Baja California (in error)...   —Cape San Lucas,Baja California (in error)の読み方
William E. Duellman 「The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México」

...N of La Soledad,KU 58061; San Lucas Camotlán, UIMNH 3201, USNM 123700-1; Vista Hermosa,KU 64116-7, 64119, 68560 (tadpoles), 71344, 71717-8 (tadpoles),UMMZ 119604; 5 km...   N of La Soledad,KU 58061; San Lucas Camotlán, UIMNH 3201, USNM 123700-1; Vista Hermosa,KU 64116-7, 64119, 68560 (tadpoles), 71344, 71717-8 (tadpoles),UMMZ 119604; 5 kmの読み方
William E. Duellman 「A Review of the Middle American Tree Frogs of the Genus Ptychohyla」

...Jonet Lucas of the same Coven said that the Devil was with them,'beand in likenes of ane beist'...   Jonet Lucas of the same Coven said that the Devil was with them,beand in likenes of ane beistの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...Hitherto Fra Lucas has beenknown only as the maker of tile pavements...   Hitherto Fra Lucas has beenknown only as the maker of tile pavementsの読み方
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」

...It seems to be assumed that if it is by Leonardo itmust be a great work of art, and if by Lucas nothing of the kind...   It seems to be assumed that if it is by Leonardo itmust be a great work of art, and if by Lucas nothing of the kindの読み方
Anthony M. Ludovici 「Nietzsche and Art」

...With that came the eleven kings, and there wasGriflet put to the earth, horse and man, and Lucas the butler, horse and man,by King Brandegoris, and King Idres, and King Agwisance...   With that came the eleven kings, and there wasGriflet put to the earth, horse and man, and Lucas the butler, horse and man,by King Brandegoris, and King Idres, and King Agwisanceの読み方
Thomas Malory 「Le Morte D’Arthur, Volume I (of II)」

...All this while Lucas, and Gwinas, andBriant, and Bellias of Flanders, held strong medley against six kings, that wasKing Lot, King Nentres, King Brandegoris, King Idres, King Uriens, and KingAgwisance...   All this while Lucas, and Gwinas, andBriant, and Bellias of Flanders, held strong medley against six kings, that wasKing Lot, King Nentres, King Brandegoris, King Idres, King Uriens, and KingAgwisanceの読み方
Thomas Malory 「Le Morte D’Arthur, Volume I (of II)」

...Then came Sir Key theseneschal with six companions, and did wondrous well, till the elevenkings went out against them and overthrew Sir Griflet and Sir Lucas thebutler...   Then came Sir Key theseneschal with six companions, and did wondrous well, till the elevenkings went out against them and overthrew Sir Griflet and Sir Lucas thebutlerの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...Having lost hisparents early in life, he was educated under the supervision of hisuncle Lucas, Bishop of Ermland...   Having lost hisparents early in life, he was educated under the supervision of hisuncle Lucas, Bishop of Ermlandの読み方
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」



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