

...Stepping up to Ferris,Judge Leighton tapped him on the arm...   Stepping up to Ferris,Judge Leighton tapped him on the armの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「His Dog」

...Judge Leighton had ended the parade and had stood the three dogs, oneby one and then two at a time, on the platform while he studied them...   Judge Leighton had ended the parade and had stood the three dogs, oneby one and then two at a time, on the platform while he studied themの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「His Dog」

...An additional female,trapped by David Leighton in Thompson Canyon, had a large patchof white hairs at the tip of the tail...   An additional female,trapped by David Leighton in Thompson Canyon, had a large patchof white hairs at the tip of the tailの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...Atthe west end of the nave in Leighton Buzzard Church is a gallery erectedin 1634; and at the west end of Piddletown Church, Dorsetshire, is agallery with the date of its erection, 1635...   Atthe west end of the nave in Leighton Buzzard Church is a gallery erectedin 1634; and at the west end of Piddletown Church, Dorsetshire, is agallery with the date of its erection, 1635の読み方
Matthew Holbeche Bloxam 「The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.」

...Among theProtestant archbishops space will only permit us recording the names ofJohn Spottiswood (1612-1615) and Robert Leighton (1671-1674)...   Among theProtestant archbishops space will only permit us recording the names ofJohn Spottiswood (1612-1615) and Robert Leighton (1671-1674)の読み方
Dugald Butler and Herbert Story 「Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys」

..." Leighton was Bishop of Dunblane from 1661to 1670, and chose it as the poorest and smallest of Scotland's sees...    Leighton was Bishop of Dunblane from 1661to 1670, and chose it as the poorest and smallest of Scotlands seesの読み方
Dugald Butler and Herbert Story 「Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys」

...The late Sir Frederick Leighton haspreserved for future centuries this story, already six hundred yearsold, in a charming pageant picture: "Cimabue's Madonna carriedthrough the streets of Florence...   The late Sir Frederick Leighton haspreserved for future centuries this story, already six hundred yearsold, in a charming pageant picture: Cimabues Madonna carriedthrough the streets of Florenceの読み方
Estelle M. Hurll 「The Madonna in Art」

...In a Selection of Figurative and Emblematic Passages from the Works ofHall, Taylor, Leighton, Beveridge, Donne, &c...   In a Selection of Figurative and Emblematic Passages from the Works ofHall, Taylor, Leighton, Beveridge, Donne, &cの読み方
William Pridden 「Australia, its history and present condition」



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