

...Henry tried to prevail on him to spot out said Hobson, in the market, and see if there possibly could be any mistake...   Henry tried to prevail on him to spot out said            Hobson, in the market, and see if there possibly could be any mistakeの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

... Hobson, and he immediately took the hint, and with his trunks steered for the sunny South...              Hobson, and he immediately took the hint, and with his trunks steered for            the sunny Southの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...In the same year Captain Hobson, R...   In the same year Captain Hobson, Rの読み方
James Cook 「Captain Cook's Journal During the First Voyage Round the World」

...For that purpose they chose Captain Hobson, a worthy and uprightsea-captain, who in his ship of war, the Rattlesnake, had seen much ofAustralia and New Zealand...   For that purpose they chose Captain Hobson, a worthy and uprightsea-captain, who in his ship of war, the Rattlesnake, had seen much ofAustralia and New Zealandの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」

...Three days later the respectable white men of Kororarikawaited on Captain Hobson to congratulate him on his arrival and topromise him their obedience and assistance...   Three days later the respectable white men of Kororarikawaited on Captain Hobson to congratulate him on his arrival and topromise him their obedience and assistanceの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」

...The Maoris were greatly excited, and Hobson therefore gave them a day tothink over the matter...   The Maoris were greatly excited, and Hobson therefore gave them a day tothink over the matterの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」

...On the 21st May, Hobson proclaimed that the islands of NewZealand were duly added to the British Empire, and that he would assumethe rule of the new colony as Lieutenant-Governor...   On the 21st May, Hobson proclaimed that the islands of NewZealand were duly added to the British Empire, and that he would assumethe rule of the new colony as Lieutenant-Governorの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」

...Now Captain Hobson had seen at the headof the Hauraki Gulf a place which seemed to him to be more suitable forthe capital of the future colony...   Now Captain Hobson had seen at the headof the Hauraki Gulf a place which seemed to him to be more suitable forthe capital of the future colonyの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」

...Shortly afterwardsGovernor Hobson himself visited Wellington, but was very coldly receivedby the settlers there...   Shortly afterwardsGovernor Hobson himself visited Wellington, but was very coldly receivedby the settlers thereの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」

...Governor Hobson thereforeregarded Te Whero Whero as the owner of the Taranaki land, and gave him£400 for his right to it...   Governor Hobson thereforeregarded Te Whero Whero as the owner of the Taranaki land, and gave him£400 for his right to itの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」

...He was Governor Hobson,and of equal rank with allthe other Governors...   He was Governor Hobson,and of equal rank with allthe other Governorsの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」

...—When Governor Hobson died, his place was taken byhis friend Lieutenant Shortland until a new Governor could be sent out...   —When Governor Hobson died, his place was taken byhis friend Lieutenant Shortland until a new Governor could be sent outの読み方
Alexander Sutherland 「History of Australia and New Zealand」



paddings   desertion   vicegerent  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
言語道断   大迷惑   偶発的  

