

...Goodsell with two teams, and the Esquimo men, Keshungwah andTawchingwah, left the ship on May 27, to hunt in the Lake Hazen andRuggles River regions...   Goodsell with two teams, and the Esquimo men, Keshungwah andTawchingwah, left the ship on May 27, to hunt in the Lake Hazen andRuggles River regionsの読み方
Matthew A. Henson 「A Negro Explorer at the North Pole」

...He also read a statement byGeneral Hazen to the effect that he knew of a man who killed ninety-ninebuffaloes with his own hand in one day...   He also read a statement byGeneral Hazen to the effect that he knew of a man who killed ninety-ninebuffaloes with his own hand in one dayの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「The Extermination of the American Bison」

...By this graceless speech Dick Hazen received the key to the SeventhParadise, and a life-membership in the world-wide Order of Dog-Lovers...   By this graceless speech Dick Hazen received the key to the SeventhParadise, and a life-membership in the world-wide Order of Dog-Loversの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...Whenpresently he understood, Hazen looked down for a moment at thepuppy—which was making sundry advances of a shy but friendly naturetoward him...   Whenpresently he understood, Hazen looked down for a moment at thepuppy—which was making sundry advances of a shy but friendly naturetoward himの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

..."Listen here, old girl!" began Hazen the moment the kitchen door wasshut behind them...   Listen here, old girl! began Hazen the moment the kitchen door wasshut behind themの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

..."It's the boy's birthday, isn't it?" urged Hazen...   Its the boys birthday, isnt it? urged Hazenの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...That was the happiest day Dick Hazen had ever known...   That was the happiest day Dick Hazen had ever knownの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...It was in this pose that Hazen found them when, late in the evening, hetiptoed into Dick's cubby-hole room...   It was in this pose that Hazen found them when, late in the evening, hetiptoed into Dicks cubby-hole roomの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...Patting the puppy lightly on her upraised head, Hazen picked up Lass inhis arms and tiptoed out of the room with her...   Patting the puppy lightly on her upraised head, Hazen picked up Lass inhis arms and tiptoed out of the room with herの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...Downstairs and out into the street Hazen bore his trustful littleburden, halting only to put on his hat, and for a whispered word withhis wife...   Downstairs and out into the street Hazen bore his trustful littleburden, halting only to put on his hat, and for a whispered word withhis wifeの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...At the edge of the town, Hazen set her on the ground and at once beganto walk rapidly away in the direction of home...   At the edge of the town, Hazen set her on the ground and at once beganto walk rapidly away in the direction of homeの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

..."I'll be—" gurgled Hazen, blinking stupidly...   Ill be— gurgled Hazen, blinking stupidlyの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...It was signed"Edw'd Hazen," and it was written on the cheap stationery of hisemployer's bottling works...   It was signedEdwd Hazen, and it was written on the cheap stationery of hisemployers bottling worksの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...Six weeks afterward The Place's car brought Dick Hazen across toreceive his long-lost pet...   Six weeks afterward The Places car brought Dick Hazen across toreceive his long-lost petの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」



topeka   chock   shaping  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
労働者   不可能   集大成  

