...Its work was done when Granada fell, and aschivalry was essentially republican in its nature, it could not live underthe rule that Ferdinand substituted for the free institutions of mediaevalSpain...
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」
...Notiosorex evotis was described by Coues (1877:652) on the basisof a single specimen, obtained at Mazatlán by Ferdinand Bischoffin 1868, that originally had at least the partial skull inside...
J. Knox Jones, Jr. 「Noteworthy Mammals from Sinaloa, Mexico」
...???, obtainedby Ferdinand Deppe...
William E. Duellman 「A Taxonomic Study of the Middle American Snake, Pituophis deppei」
...King Ferdinand IV...
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」
...Pietro Montorio, rebuilt towards 1472, by Ferdinand IV...
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」
...Subtermans painted all the living members of the Mediceanfamily, in a variety of attitudes; and when Ferdinand II...
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6)」
...To the west the hills of this chain still run on; to the east Icould see Mount Ferdinand...
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」
...Well in the Ferdinand...
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」
...The summit of thehill above it bore 21° east of south, from Mount Ferdinand, in theMusgrave Ranges, and it is sixty-four miles from my camp at GlenFerdinand water...
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」
...To resume: we left the almost exhausted channel of the Ferdinand, andpushed on for the Telegraph Line...
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」
...Mount Ferdinand...
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」
...From hence Idetermined to reach the South Australian Telegraph Line upon a newroute, and to follow the Ferdinand, which runs to the south...
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」
declines deride birthdays