..."Talk the case over with Dick Colfax or anyother good lawyer before three o'clock," suggestedMaclay...
Albert Payson Terhune 「Lad: A Dog」
...internatus he includedspecimens from Union and Colfax counties, New Mexico, and specimensfrom Gardner, Colorado (not Garfield as stated by Kelson,1951:66)...
Phillip M. Youngman 「Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Thomys bottae, in Colorado」
...: Near Folsom, 4 (CMNH); Colfax Co...
Phillip M. Youngman 「Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Thomys bottae, in Colorado」
...Compiled at Cimarron, Colfax County, N...
James Constantine Pilling 「Catalogue Of Linguistic Manuscripts In The Library Of The Bureau Of Ethnology. (1881 N 01 / 1879-1880 (Pages 553-578))」
...Anderson, 3504 Colfax Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930」
...Anderson, 3504 Colfax AvenueSouth, Minneapolis, Minn...
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, June, 1930」
radiators pleas organist