...From thence he got to Essex and Chelmsford, where he again stopped about half an hour, to refresh his horse...
Samuel Griswold Goodrich 「Illustrative Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom」
...—At Chelmsford in 1556 Joan Waterhouse 'dydde as she had seeneher mother doe, callynge Sathan, whiche came to her (as she sayd) in thelykenes of a great dogge'...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
... Witches of Chelmsford, p...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
...Elizabeth Frances at Chelmsford (tried in 1556) was about twelve years oldwhen her grandmother first taught her the art of witchcraft...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
...The earliest account of the ceremony is at Chelmsford in 1556...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
...In 1566 at Chelmsford Mother Waterhouse 'gauehim [i...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
... Chelmsford Witches, pp...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
... Philobiblon Society, viii, Chelmsford Witches, pp...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
... Witches at Chelmsford, pp...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
... Witches at Chelmsford, p...
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」
...it has not been positivelyascertained, though it is probably Chelmsford...
John Trusler 「The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings」
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