...After the voyages of Philip Carteret, who provedthat New Ireland is an island, and of de Bougainvillein 1766 the most important is that of Captain JamesCook in the Endeavour...
A. F. R. Wollaston 「Pygmies and Papuans」
...The Swallow, under Captain Carteret, was navigated in a different spirit...
James Cook 「Captain Cook's Journal During the First Voyage Round the World」
...But Carteret was noteasily daunted...
James Cook 「Captain Cook's Journal During the First Voyage Round the World」
...The longitude laid down by Captain Carteret was164°...
Arthur Phillip 「The Voyage Of Governor Phillip To Botany Bay」
...Three months after hisreturn another expedition sailed under the command of Wallis in theDolphin, and with Carteret in the Swallow...
Louis Becke 「The Naval Pioneers of Australia and Walter Jeffery」
Iatan rivers exhortation