...Thatthere was a Cid, as well as a Bernardo del Carpio, there can be no doubt;but that they did the deeds people say they did, I hold to be verydoubtful...
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」
...Carpiodes carpio carpio (Rafinesque), river carpsucker: Jennings(1942:364)...
W. L. Minckley 「Fishes of the Big Blue River Basin, Kansas」
...Carpiodes carpio, Cyprinus carpio, I...
W. L. Minckley 「Fishes of the Big Blue River Basin, Kansas」
...Carpiodes carpio, Cyprinus carpio,and I...
W. L. Minckley 「Fishes of the Big Blue River Basin, Kansas」
...Carpiodes carpio, Cyprinus carpio,C...
W. L. Minckley 「Fishes of the Big Blue River Basin, Kansas」
...Carpiodes carpio carpio (Rafinesque): Stations A-1, A-2, A-3, W-3,G-1, C-3...
Artie L. Metcalf 「Fishes of Chautauqua, Cowley and Elk Counties, Kansas」
Carpiodes carpio carpio
James E. Deacon 「Fishes of the Wakarusa River in Kansas」
abandonment punctilio cylindric