

... "His name's Harvey," said Dan, waving two strangely shaped knives, "an' he'll be worth five of any Sou' Boston clam-digger 'fore long...         His names Harvey, said Dan, waving two strangely shaped knives, an      hell be worth five of any Sou Boston clam-digger fore longの読み方
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」

...Uncle Salters he sold it this spring to a jay from Boston as wanted to build a summerhaouse, an' he got a heap for it...   Uncle Salters he sold it this spring to a jay from      Boston as wanted to build a summerhaouse, an he got a heap for itの読み方
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」

...About tin years back I was crew to a Sou' Boston market-boat...   About tin years back I was crew      to a Sou Boston market-boatの読み方
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」

...'D'ye take me fer a dialect? Thirty-five mile from Cape Clear, an' fourteen days from Boston Light...   Dye take me fer a dialect?      Thirty-five mile from Cape Clear, an fourteen days from Boston Lightの読み方
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」

... When he returned with the father's message bidding Harvey meet them in Boston at an appointed hour, he found Miss Kinzey laughing over the keys...         When he returned with the fathers message bidding Harvey meet them in      Boston at an appointed hour, he found Miss Kinzey laughing over the keysの読み方
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」

...If she had any doubts, they were resolved when Cheyne went to Boston and brought back a new diamond marquise-ring...   If she had any doubts, they were resolved when Cheyne went to      Boston and brought back a new diamond marquise-ringの読み方
Rudyard Kipling 「"Captains Courageous"」

..." Waln, in reply, contended that theyshould look into "the slave trade, much of which was stillcarrying on from Rhode Island, Boston and Pennsylvania...    Waln, in reply, contended that theyshould look into the slave trade, much of which was stillcarrying on from Rhode Island, Boston and Pennsylvaniaの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」

...53–4; quoted from the Africancorrespondent of the Boston Journal...   53–4; quoted from the Africancorrespondent of the Boston Journalの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」

...Endymion, Plattsburg, Science, Esperanza, and Alexander,captured on the African coast by United Statesships, and sent to New York and Boston...   Endymion, Plattsburg, Science, Esperanza, and Alexander,captured on the African coast by United Statesships, and sent to New York and Bostonの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」

...Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Province ofthe Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, Boston, 1726;Acts and Resolves ...   Acts and Laws of His Majestys Province ofthe Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, Boston, 1726;Acts and Resolves の読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」

...But the West Coast still means that distant shore fromwhence the "first families" of Boston, Bristol and New Orleansexported slaves...   But the West Coast still means that distant shore fromwhence the first families of Boston, Bristol and New Orleansexported slavesの読み方
Richard Harding Davis 「The Congo and Coasts of Africa」

...25,Perry Bratcher, New Boston, Tex...   25,Perry Bratcher, New Boston, Texの読み方
Ida B. Wells-Barnett 「The Red Record」

...14, Marshall Boston,Frankfort, Ky; Sept...   14, Marshall Boston,Frankfort, Ky; Septの読み方
Ida B. Wells-Barnett 「The Red Record」

... At last, the long, dark night passed away, and this young slave safely made his way to freedom, and proceeded to Boston, where he now resides...                  At last, the long, dark night passed away, and this young slave safely               made his way to freedom, and proceeded to Boston, where he now residesの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...The way to Boston was entirely closed...   The            way to Boston was entirely closedの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

... PARKER HOUSE, School street, Boston, Oct...                     PARKER HOUSE, School street, Boston, Octの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

... Fountain? Please to give my love to him, and tell him to come to Boston, as there are a number of his friends that would like to see him...                    Fountain? Please to give my love to him, and tell him to come to Boston, as                  there are a number of his friends that would like to see himの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」



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