

...From Hulaku the Tartar, Conquerorof the East, to Al Malek Annasar, Sultan of Aleppo,A...   From Hulaku the Tartar, Conquerorof the East, to Al Malek Annasar, Sultan of Aleppo,Aの読み方
Abd Salam Shabeeny 「An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa」

...He pretended tobe a native of Aleppo, called in Arabic Hellebee,and was known by the name of Seed Hellebee,which signifies "the gentleman of Aleppo...   He pretended tobe a native of Aleppo, called in Arabic Hellebee,and was known by the name of Seed Hellebee,which signifies the gentleman of Aleppoの読み方
Abd Salam Shabeeny 「An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa」

...His letter tothe sultan of Aleppo...   His letter tothe sultan of Aleppoの読み方
Abd Salam Shabeeny 「An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa」

...They were first made known to European naturalists by Russell, who brought to Europe from therivers round Aleppo specimens, some of which are still preserved inthe collection of the British Museum...   They were first made known to European naturalists by Russell, who brought to Europe from therivers round Aleppo specimens, some of which are still preserved inthe collection of the British Museumの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

... We then find first a transversal partition, formed of tiny bits of gravel cemented by a putty made from resin, which is collected in fresh drops from the oxycedrus and the Aleppo pine...         We then find first a transversal partition, formed of tiny bits of gravel      cemented by a putty made from resin, which is collected in fresh drops      from the oxycedrus and the Aleppo pineの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」

...Henry Maundrell, "A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter,A...   Henry Maundrell, A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter,Aの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「Balder The Beautiful, Vol. I.」

...[* The same useful regulation is observed at Aleppo...   [* The same useful regulation is observed at Aleppoの読み方
David Collins 「An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1」



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