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Check also   和洋  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 43:
鶯神楽  無余涅槃  武装蜂起  早発卵巣不全  七種競技  

Names and idioms similar to 和洋箪笥:
郁洋  不協和  外和田  洋行中  金槐和歌集  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 和洋箪笥:
温和丁寧  恵風和暢  不協和音  

Idioms including 和洋箪笥:
和氏の璧  琴瑟相和す  天の時は地の利に如かず、地の利は人の和に如かず  

Proverbs including 和洋箪笥:
待てば海路の日和あり  和を以て貴しと為す  瓢箪から駒  

Check stroke order for the words below:
家扶  日軽金  吉浪  秀慈  菖汰  松帆慶野  
