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How to read: おんでこざ


Names and idioms with total stroke of 37:
御蔵島  不緻縹  転倒黒白  流通革命  労働協約  

Names and idioms similar to 鬼太鼓座:
峻太  尭太  築館太田  永太朗  仏像二座  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 鬼太鼓座:
神出鬼没  常住座臥  仏心鬼手  

Idioms including 鬼太鼓座:
鬼神を泣かしむ  座して死を待つ  太公望  

Proverbs including 鬼太鼓座:
来年の事を言えば鬼が笑う  明日の事を言えば鬼が笑う  疑心暗鬼を生ず  

Check stroke order for the words below:
芹沢  北葛城郡  召しあげ  引込線  丹柿  沂水河  豁達豪放  幕串  
