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Check also   飲食  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 34:
有峰太郎平  瀬戸郷  峰浜坂形  蠅取男  紅花亜麻  

Names and idioms similar to 飲食業:
紙工業  好業績  櫓業  業務提供誘引販売取引  近代工業  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 飲食業:
回天事業  飲泣呑声  悲歌悵飲  

Idioms including 飲食業:
うっちゃりを食う  気に食わない  一簞の食、一瓢の飲  

Proverbs including 飲食業:
秋茄子は嫁に食わすな  粋が身を食う  魚は殿様に焼かせろ、餅は乞食に焼かせろ  

Check stroke order for the words below:
主幹  最高点  口宣  河部本  長底  鳩豆    源光行  
