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Check also   食料  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 39:
孫右衛門  普賢堂  鋼鋳物  額頭礼  御聖徳  

Names and idioms similar to 食料貿易:
料見違  請料  加工食品品質表示基準  固体高分子型燃料電池  労災保険料  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 食料貿易:
蚕食鯨呑  食馬解囲  縮衣節食  

Idioms including 食料貿易:
肩透かしを食う  側杖を食う  一簞の食、一瓢の飲  

Proverbs including 食料貿易:
夫婦喧嘩は犬も食わない  秋茄子嫁に食わすな  食い物の恨みは怖い  

Check stroke order for the words below:
摺切る  安佐未  御憩  貸浴衣  弾薬莢  
