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Check also   難し  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 44:
螳螂之斧  軍事的勝利  大衆演劇  自治機関  実相寺昭雄  

Names and idioms similar to 難しい顔をして:
難読  顔騎  光顔  大危難  顔延之  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 難しい顔をして:
艱難辛苦  多事多難  童顔鶴髪  

Idioms including 難しい顔をして:
顔が潰れる  紅顔の美少年  富める者の天国に入るは難し  

Proverbs including 難しい顔をして:
言うは易く行うは難し  創業は易く守成は難し  友は得難く失い易し  

Check stroke order for the words below:
安友  石政  診療  衣&君  茉姫羽  永鉋  猩猩袴  変動料金制  
