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Check also   金融  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 45:
骨董趣味  正模式標本  腸骨耳状面  普通交付税  鸚哥貝  

Names and idioms similar to 金融業法:
法師轎  超音波組織弾性映像法  法令審査権  老齢基礎年金  住宅品質確保促進法  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 金融業法:
兢兢業業  断金之交  融通無礙  

Idioms including 金融業法:
金が物を言う  鍍金が剥げる  家書万金に抵る  

Proverbs including 金融業法:
弘法筆を選ばず  春宵一刻価千金  阿弥陀の光も金次第  

Check stroke order for the words below:
菜緒  拘る  海土  監軍  止事  断末苦  礫堆  誅悪  
