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Check also   金利  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 29:
厭世家  穗満  艙蓋  絹小町糸  吹き頻く  

Names and idioms similar to 金利生活:
宝金  舎利頭  献金額  宇曽利山湖  人生百年  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 金利生活:
一利一害  殺生禁断  我利我慾  

Idioms including 金利生活:
気が利く  目が利く  人生七十古来稀なり  

Proverbs including 金利生活:
漁夫の利  人生わずか五十年  千金の子は市に死せず  

Check stroke order for the words below:
紙野  嘉陵江  九十四  佐冶  鴫野東  欲界  
