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Check also   財政  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 44:
諏訪野町  金屬器  紫鴛鴦  生活困窮者  正規労働者  

Names and idioms similar to 財政困難:
仁政  数政  無政府主義者  海難証明書  政治経済学  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 財政困難:
傀儡政権  大政奉還  才難之歎  

Idioms including 財政困難:
曰く言い難し  得難きの貨を貴ばず  その位に在らざればその政を謀らず  

Proverbs including 財政困難:
友は得難く失い易し  口と財布は締めるが得  難波の葦は伊勢の浜荻  

Check stroke order for the words below:
得本  水呑  公識  充穂  地質學  通商条約  
