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Check also   設計  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 35:
水沢高網  大驟雨  浮遊生物  公理的方法  殺人刀活人剣  

Names and idioms similar to 設計寿命:
余命  恵比寿西  計算書  損益計算書  革命広場  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 設計寿命:
延年転寿  活計歓楽  鬼家活計  

Idioms including 設計寿命:
命を懸ける  喜寿  三十六計、逃げるに如かず  

Proverbs including 設計寿命:
命長ければ恥多し  河豚は食いたし命は惜しし  命どぅ宝  

Check stroke order for the words below:
熨斗袋  前便  芭蕉亭  常美代  箇数  
