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Check also   言葉  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 40:
鳥羽西鳥羽  扇影衣香  旗国主義  脊柱前湾  蝶蜻蛉  

Names and idioms similar to 言葉がすらすらと出る:
出かす  結葉  言い做す  言ひ分く  漕ぎ出づ  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 言葉がすらすらと出る:
大言壮語  多言数窮  超塵出俗  

Idioms including 言葉がすらすらと出る:
打って出る  言語に絶する  言葉を濁す  

Proverbs including 言葉がすらすらと出る:
鬼が出るか、蛇が出るか  出る杭は打たれる  男子家を出ずれば七人の敵あり  

Check stroke order for the words below:
武宮  思保  田宗  管川  三和夫  逃竄  鍋煤  お流れ  
