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Check also   言い  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 15:
壽一  村門  中略  員史  主班  

Names and idioms similar to 言い切り:
今切  泣言  言絶  千切雲  諄言  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 言い切り:
危言危行  出言不遜  切切偲偲  

Idioms including 言い切り:
言うも愚か  言葉を濁す  身を切る思い  

Proverbs including 言い切り:
来年の事を言えば鬼が笑う  大根を正宗で切る  顧みて他を言う  

Check stroke order for the words below:
宗社  結わき  野暮用  接伴    世界教会協議会  愛くろしい  
