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How to read: つのだみつお


Celebrities with total stroke of 25:
土屋健二  犬塚志乃  大橋のり子  白石徹  林宗重  

Names similar to 角田光男:
内田あゆみ  さとみつ男児  田中良三  中村光男  依田康国  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 角田光男:
電光石火  海角天涯  転彎抹角  

Idioms including 角田光男:
角を出す  目が光る  帰りなんいざ、田園まさに蕪れんとす  

Proverbs including 角田光男:
蝸牛角上の争い  大男総身に知恵が回りかね  我が田へ水を引く  

Check stroke order for the words below:
可罷出  咳嗽払  其鐵拳  和泉国  變改  恵賜  
