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How to read: すみいのすけ


Celebrities with total stroke of 28:
甲斐田ゆき  野村祐一  安井正義  小川豊昭  榊安奈  

Names similar to 角猪之助:
猪熊しのぶ  桂右之助  俵信之  角田清美  高田寛之  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 角猪之助:
断腸之思  刀筆之吏  夫家之征  

Idioms including 角猪之助:
角を出す  目に角を立てる  目を三角にする  

Proverbs including 角猪之助:
烏頭白くして馬角を生ず  角を矯めて牛を殺す  遅かりし由良之助  

Check stroke order for the words below:
黒藪  渓神  亜麻仁  婬乱さ  富板  原間  依翔  昇潮  庭籠  富雪  
