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Check also   終末  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 53:
鶴見沖松浦  右近衛将監  藤原信頼  法定受託事務  灰色木目夜盗蛾  

Names and idioms similar to 終末期治療:
靖治  荒療治  江末  鍜治貝  期内  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 終末期治療:
秋毫之末  治乱興廃  乱診乱療  

Idioms including 終末期治療:
始末に負えない  修身斉家治国平天下  断末魔  

Proverbs including 終末期治療:
治に居て乱を忘れず  本木に勝る末木なし  本木に勝る末木無し  

Check stroke order for the words below:
円見  向う正面  受電  中道通  芒山  
