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Check also   納得  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 47:
伏見稲荷大社  舞麗愛  水橋池田舘  水橋北馬場  接續線  

Names and idioms similar to 納得のいく説明:
欽明路  焼明  明神礁  献納者  大陸移動説  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 納得のいく説明:
賢明愚昧  黒白分明  聡明剛介  

Idioms including 納得のいく説明:
止むを得ない  己の長を説くことなかれ  その所を得る  

Proverbs including 納得のいく説明:
先見の明  機に因って法を説く  言いたい事は明日言え  

Check stroke order for the words below:
旅客機  樫山  双石  祝意  議論百出  治まり  那都  具足持  
