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Check also   石油  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 43:
操縦桿  伊保田小伊保田  廟鼠輩  高齢出産  紫燕蝶  

Names and idioms similar to 石油系廃液:
二千石  壮石  発石車  油漬鰯  死刑廃止  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 石油系廃液:
魚目燕石  他山之石  泉石煙霞  

Idioms including 石油系廃液:
油が切れる  一石を投じる  石に齧りついても  

Proverbs including 石油系廃液:
商人に系図なし  旨い物食わす人に油断すな  石に布団は着せられず  

Check stroke order for the words below:
植木  埓外  溶子  達摩  田張  禾穀  開士  
