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Check also   現地  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 38:
川島和津実  越冬資金  総資産  精進腹  縞三繰  

Names and idioms similar to 現地業者:
預言者  法地  庇護者  役介者  白色事業専従者  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 現地業者:
益者三友  回天事業  仁者不憂  

Idioms including 現地業者:
地に落ちる  これを知る者は、これを好む者に如かず  それでも地球は動く  

Proverbs including 現地業者:
一頭地を抜く  易者身の上知らず  創業は易く守成は難し  

Check stroke order for the words below:
血縁  何層  三太夫  穏徳  桂台南  根家  泣詫  這上  
