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Check also   現地  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 43:
意気揚揚  侠艶録  蒲鞭之政  混合農業  薄茶点前  

Names and idioms similar to 現地技術者:
渡者  藪医者  阿東地福上  中村桂山団地  地緯  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 現地技術者:
開天辟地  跼天蹐地  地盤沈下  

Idioms including 現地技術者:
足が地に着かない  意地を張る  徳有る者は必ず言有り  

Proverbs including 現地技術者:
去る者は追わず  役者に年無し  遠き慮りなき者は必ず近き憂えあり  

Check stroke order for the words below:
比良野  峰穂  天道様  短冊石  
