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Check also   特殊  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 40:
我利駆尊  権現領  巌美渓  蒐集慾  地震売買  

Names and idioms similar to 特殊疾病:
疾う  文殊九助  病蓐  急性疾患  特殊舟艇部隊  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 特殊疾病:
膏肓之疾  山藪蔵疾  馬遅枚疾  

Idioms including 特殊疾病:
臆病風に吹かれる  気で気を病む  この人にしてこの病あり  

Proverbs including 特殊疾病:
病は気から  早寝早起き病知らず  目病み女に風邪ひき男  

Check stroke order for the words below:
海水中  伴之助  沙朋  福住通  大魔王  詰開  色心  審判長  科学技術研究統計  相門  
