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Check also   漁民  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 38:
樹沙魅  見識越  楊景福  功利主義者  松皮疱瘡  

Names and idioms similar to 漁民所得:
得失  民恵  研究所報  国民健康保険組合  民営墓地  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 漁民所得:
利害得失  疾足先得  不労所得  

Idioms including 漁民所得:
得体が知れない  大見得を切る  地の利を得る  

Proverbs including 漁民所得:
得手に帆を揚げる  己の欲する所を人に施せ  名を取るより得を取れ  

Check stroke order for the words below:
仁愛  磯野  立久  畦別当  仙界  宗古  荘光  野天行  紆余委蛇  
