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How to read: まんじょうふうう


Names and idioms with total stroke of 38:
家計簿  権現造り  止止不須説  新国文学史  骨海藻  

Names and idioms similar to 満城風雨:
風太  風真  遺風残香  塩風呂  赤松満祐  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 満城風雨:
一国一城  櫛風沐雨  沐雨櫛風  

Idioms including 満城風雨:
何処吹く風  偃鼠河に飲むも、満腹に過ぎず  不夜城  

Proverbs including 満城風雨:
雨降って地固まる  風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる  雨晴れて笠を忘る  

Check stroke order for the words below:
角宿  雲行雨施  工場主  身体障害者手帳  
