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Check also   温泉  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 37:
演劇的  後鼻漏  鶴峰西  其雑踏  直江兼続  

Names and idioms similar to 温泉風呂:
神泉苑  温点  西南風  伊呂波小紋  呂不韋  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 温泉風呂:
風霜高潔  風光明媚  風餐雨臥  

Idioms including 温泉風呂:
秋風が立つ  風蕭蕭として易水寒し  虎嘯けば風生ず  

Proverbs including 温泉風呂:
風雲急を告げる  胡馬北風に嘶く  月に叢雲花に風  

Check stroke order for the words below:
  隆喜  正國  北中振  左溝  粕取  六畜  
