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How to read: おんわれいり


Names and idioms with total stroke of 38:
将監殿  炒鶉蛋  耐爆剤  実践神学  大韓帝国  

Names and idioms similar to 温和怜悧:
和乃  和南津  士温  和森  岳温泉大和  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 温和怜悧:
合水和泥  劉寛温恕  和泥合水  

Idioms including 温和怜悧:
旧交を温める  琴瑟相和す  天の時は地の利に如かず、地の利は人の和に如かず  

Proverbs including 温和怜悧:
君子は和して同ぜず、小人は同じて和せず  待てば海路の日和あり  待てば甘露の日和あり  

Check stroke order for the words below:
錯雑  羽根子  摩夜  江戸鑑  友愛館  嬌舌  膜片  
