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Check also   法律  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 47:
勢至菩薩  緊急避妊  消費者事故  新種保険  姫砂漠鴉  

Names and idioms similar to 法律駆け込み寺:
尋法  新道寺  香積寺  俳諧寺  塩事業法  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 法律駆け込み寺:
以魚駆蠅  末法思想  法誉無上  

Idioms including 法律駆け込み寺:
手が込む  春秋の筆法  法三章  

Proverbs including 法律駆け込み寺:
律義者の子沢山  洞ケ峠を決め込む  生兵法は大怪我の基  

Check stroke order for the words below:
勝邦  木葉下町  田長丸  匡輝  谷殿  工面顔  西沙群島  
