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How to read: せんせきこうこう


Names and idioms with total stroke of 35:
大宇陀関戸  詭弁学派  亜米利加人参  厚厴貝  首里蝸牛  

Names and idioms similar to 泉石膏肓:
鳴子温泉畑山  秋津温泉  石原謙  養老牛温泉  源泉控除対象配偶者  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 泉石膏肓:
電光石火  金石之交  薬石之言  

Idioms including 泉石膏肓:
一石を投じる  石に齧りついても  試金石  

Proverbs including 泉石膏肓:
石橋を叩いて渡る  点滴石を穿つ  理屈と膏薬はどこへでもつく  

Check stroke order for the words below:
谷垣  仲曽根  金足鳰崎  高木原富  応挙風  雇賃  狼老婆  叶福助  
