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How to read: まつたゆうすけ


Celebrities with total stroke of 34:
向井真理子  班目秀雄  柳井政雄  西脇信彦  名雪雅夫  

Names similar to 枩田優介:
長井優奈  和田隆志  岡田眞澄  池田誠  浅沼優瑠  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 枩田優介:
優勝劣敗  優柔不断  李下瓜田  

Idioms including 枩田優介:
青田買い  意に介さない  桑田変じて滄海となる  

Proverbs including 枩田優介:
瓜田に履を納れず  我が田へ水を引く  田を作るより畦を作れ  

Check stroke order for the words below:
栂崎  遠路  吉名  果穏  柊佐映  海鰻  幾部分  大穹窿  
