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How to read: ほしのたかふみ


Celebrities with total stroke of 36:
郷原慧  近藤久弥  志賀重昂  大湊直太郎  榎本知郎  

Names similar to 星野崇史:
野中真和  野村吉三郎  平野叶翔  野々村真白  星川ハチ  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 星野崇史:
家鶏野鶩  攻城野戦  野心満々  

Idioms including 星野崇史:
図星を指す  目星を付ける  野に下る  

Proverbs including 星野崇史:
手に取るなやはり野に置け蓮華草  野鶴の鶏群に在るが如し  甲斐無き星が夜を明かす  

Check stroke order for the words below:
主権者  勃た  教恵  佳並  実祐佳  茂角  浩歌  十間川  濫倫  
