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Check also   政治  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 42:
紫蝴蝶  落花啼鳥  集団疎開  白色腐朽菌  細葉峠柴  

Names and idioms similar to 政治腐敗:
村田重治  堅治郎  賀集鍛治屋  阿治部  政府管掌健康保険  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 政治腐敗:
大政復古  平凡陳腐  一治一乱  

Idioms including 政治腐敗:
修身斉家治国平天下  勝敗は兵家の常  大国を治むるは小鮮を烹るがごとくす  

Proverbs including 政治腐敗:
失敗は成功の基  一敗地に塗れる  失敗は成功のもと  

Check stroke order for the words below:
洋政  癇癪  正介  正吏  幌附  辨理  
