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Check also   弱々  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 31:
鮫嶋  聖旺竜  食籠  束帯像  明鑒  

Names and idioms similar to 弱々しいひ弱な:
凜々  意志薄弱  生々し  柏森々  病弱い  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 弱々しいひ弱な:
言々句々  是々非々  虎視眈々  

Idioms including 弱々しいひ弱な:
強将の下に弱兵無し  弱冠  天網恢々、疎にして洩らさず  

Proverbs including 弱々しいひ弱な:
弱り目に祟り目  盗人猛々しい  弱馬道を急ぐ  

Check stroke order for the words below:
嘉沢  糸色  引換証  排気音  露華  相構  裂石山  康房    
