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Check also   引く  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 19:
金十郎  異学  胃弱  建朗  遅矣  

Names and idioms similar to 引く手あまた:
引伸  花山手東  手支  手前達  被爆者手帳  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 引く手あまた:
手枷足枷  空手還郷  縮手縮脚  

Idioms including 引く手あまた:
手に掛かる  手が入る  手を抜く  

Proverbs including 引く手あまた:
相手変われど主変わらず  一挙手一投足  我が田へ水を引く  

Check stroke order for the words below:
添子  甲卒  皷川  陽目  寝驚く  
