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How to read: おかもとひでき


Celebrities with total stroke of 37:
澁谷晶己  真野拓実  中島俊市郎  江尻憲泰  堀越信司  

Names similar to 岡本英樹:
岩中睦樹  熊本薫  紙本栄一  蔵本光夫  橋本美佳  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 岡本英樹:
英華発外  興味本位  大樹将軍  

Idioms including 岡本英樹:
一本槍  樹静かならんと欲すれども風やまず  三本の矢  

Proverbs including 岡本英樹:
寄らば大樹の陰  本木に勝る末木無し  農は国の本  

Check stroke order for the words below:
寿好  えい航  赫焉  朱文  宇宙損害責任条約  敷梁  
