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Check also   四角  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 34:
高句麗  鰻登  鶴ケ峯  縫物師  軟鑞  

Names and idioms similar to 四角綱引き:
現先取引  与四光  暗四鬼  四五行  四条大納言  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 四角綱引き:
矯角殺牛  四六駢儷  朝四暮三  

Idioms including 四角綱引き:
四の五の言う  弓を引く  四海皆兄弟  

Proverbs including 四角綱引き:
頭角を現す  引導を渡す  引かれ者の小唄  

Check stroke order for the words below:
大田尾  倉石通  阿野宇度木  厩門  戯劇  獣情  七角形  同族列  
