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Check also   四角  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 34:
摩理佳  猪野越  心霊写真  法定代理人  俳諧手引  

Names and idioms similar to 四角綱引き:
半四郎  三拾四  四遍  引航  引退興行  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 四角綱引き:
引決自裁  四肢五体  麟角鳳嘴  

Idioms including 四角綱引き:
口角泡を飛ばす  四の五の言う  目に角を立てる  

Proverbs including 四角綱引き:
蝸牛の角争い  智に働けば角が立つ  三十振り袖四十島田  

Check stroke order for the words below:
触感  凛愛  新長松  羽場仲畑  何女  繊絃  叢消  煤突  権略  
