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How to read: よしじまにし


Names and idioms with total stroke of 22:
洸督  小奇術  卑弥乎  飛蒐  峯田村  

Names and idioms similar to 吉島西:
新鉾田西  鳩島  告吉  手島堵庵  前田祐吉  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 吉島西:
黄道吉日  東走西馳  抱痛西河  

Idioms including 吉島西:
取り付く島もない  西施の顰みに倣う  

Proverbs including 吉島西:
犬が西向きゃ尾は東  三十振り袖四十島田  石部金吉金兜  

Check stroke order for the words below:
伊谷  獅子野  彩市  瑠緒  果流華  大星場  黯淡  柿胃石  
