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Names and idioms with total stroke of 19:
回腸  外人等  昭烈  天霊  遣羽  

Names and idioms similar to 卓異:
食卓  異常行動  卓筆  染色体突然変異  非特異行列  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 卓異:
堅苦卓絶  堅白同異  馮異大樹  

Idioms including 卓異:
異を唱える  異彩を放つ  手足処を異にす  

Proverbs including 卓異:
縁は異なもの味なもの  幽明境を異にする  小異を捨てて大同につく  

Check stroke order for the words below:
子年  宮首  下廼  率先垂範  階家  群畜    那須国造碑  阿天  
