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Names and idioms with total stroke of 22:
違約  覚造  古満目  遺身  寝付き  

Names and idioms similar to 傷神:
神例  荒巻西雷神  神字日文伝  神明鳥居  神上る  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 傷神:
神算鬼謀  誹謗中傷  神韻縹緲  

Idioms including 傷神:
鬼神を泣かしむ  健全なる精神は健全なる肉体に宿る  幸運の女神には前髪しかない  

Proverbs including 傷神:
恐れ入谷の鬼子母神  時の氏神  兵は神速を尊ぶ  

Check stroke order for the words below:
喜由  女連  栃櫻  治郎八  市ノ木山  安嘉  淺茅生  種繁  不正咬合  
