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How to read: ごんた


Same names and idioms in reading:
欣太  権太  ゴン太  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 11:
会生  川之石  白多  月君  目早  

Names and idioms similar to 言太:
磐太郎  詩太朗  元言  永井柳太郎  初春狂言  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 言太:
甘言蜜語  寡言沈黙  絶言絶慮  

Idioms including 言太:
言葉が過ぎる  四の五の言う  君子は言を以て人を挙げず、人を以て言を廃せず  

Proverbs including 言太:
預言者郷里に容れられず  天に口なし人を以て言わしむ  馬鹿も休み休み言え  

Check stroke order for the words below:
爽快感  明嶺  賢飛  降雪量  
