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How to read: よしのり、りょうとく


Same names and idioms in reading:
禎徳  佳祝  良規  頼憲  了得  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 21:
宣陽  啓真  如慶  慎典  昭陽  

Names and idioms similar to 良徳:
大良  徳益  仁潤徳  莉亜良  威徳院  

Celebrity names including 良徳:
安永良徳  相良徳三  世良徳寿  

Yojijukugo(idioms with 4 Kanji characters) including 良徳:
陰徳陽報  仁義道徳  良風美俗  

Idioms including 良徳:
良きにつけ悪しきにつけ  怨みに報いるに徳を以てす  富は屋を潤し、徳は身を潤す  

Proverbs including 良徳:
女房と鍋釜は古いほど良い  行きは良い良い帰りは恐い  高かろう良かろう、安かろう悪かろう  

Check stroke order for the words below:
磨音  世宮  数臣  井戸替  蘇子由  下田協約  宮古諸島  
