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How to read: よしとみ、よしどみ


Same names and idioms in reading:
好臣  芳富  宜志富  善臣  由冨  

Names and idioms with total stroke of 17:
柊奈  実俐  赤谷川  諾了  米側  

Names and idioms similar to 吉冨:
冨方  冨佐子  励吉  吉野紙  佐吉兵衛  

Celebrity names including 吉冨:
吉冨博子  吉冨桂子  吉冨朝子  

Proverbs including 吉冨:
思い立ったが吉日  大吉は凶に還る  石部金吉金兜  

Check stroke order for the words below:
足刈  出題者  知貴  隙見男  子致  日本高等学校野球連盟  
